HWH Profile | Chris Sizemore | Admin
Hi friends! I’m Chris and I’m the other admin of Houston Women’s Hiking.
I’ve been camping my whole life, and paddling for more of it than not, but hiking is a newer pastime for me. I have never been a particularly thin woman and I had fully convinced myself that hiking wasn’t for people with my body type. We also lived in a society that confirmed my findings with little to no outdoor gear in my size.
After having my daughter, I made a pact with myself to not hand down my own negative body image. In the process of watching what I said about my own body around her, I started to heal, feel more confident, and try new things. Surprise! Hiking is for EVERY BODY, not just the ones in the ads.
I’m excited to live in an age where body positivity and inclusion is finally a thing. I don’t look like a hiker or a paddle boarder, but I am and I am thrilled to encourage other women to hit the trails (dirt or water) and do things outside of their comfort zone, and maybe find something they love along the way.
Stand Up Paddle Boarding
Most of the events I host on HWH are paddling related. I’ve canoed and kayaked since I was a teenager, but I didn’t find stand up paddle boarding until a vacation in Jamaica in 2016. The resort had paddle boards, and I went out on a particularly choppy day. I could only get up onto my knees, the waves kicking the board back and forth, but I fell in love.
When we returned stateside I started researching paddle boards, best practices, and looking for the right board for me. On a fluke at 6am at an REI garage sale I found my hard board for a heck of a deal. That’s the same board I use today, it even survived our house fire.


We love to camp. I will be your official camp pusher. I’m a strong believer there is no one right or wrong way. Camping in a tent or in a hammock does not make you more of a camper than those camping in a trailer. It’s not about how you camp, its about being in nature.
We’ve been tent campers for ages but in 2020 we bought a friend’s trailer, gutted it and renovated the interior. It’s one of my favorite things we’ve ever done as a family and I would do another trailer or RV renovation in a heart beat. If we are ever on a camping trip together, I will gladly give you a tour.

Camping All the Texas State Parks
We have a family goal of camping all the Texas State Parks. I grew up going to Huntsville State Park but we truly started exploring the Texas State Park System while camping with friends of ours when our daughter was three.
As of writing this we have visited 28 of the 89 Texas State Parks. They hold a very very special place in my heart. I look forward to experiencing all our amazing state has to offer.

Getting the Family Into The Woods
Of course Houston Women’s Hiking is all about getting women outside. However, I’ve found that women getting outside becomes a catalyst for getting the whole family outside. I love this.
We’re an official Explorer Family for Kids Who Explore, an organization based out of Canada whose main mission is to encourage families worldwide to just, go outside.
If I’m not at a Houston Women’s Hiking women only event, I am definitely out with my husband, daughter, dog and often our extended family too. Many of my paddling events are all family because, well, my daughter loves her kayak and wants to get on the water too.
Writer, Marketing Consultant, Podcaster, Artist
When I'm not in the woods or on my paddle board I am a marketing consultant, artist, writer, and podcaster. You can find my marketing company over at Market Creativity and much of my writing at our personal blog Stronger Than Fire.

Hi my name is Laura. I came across women’s hiking while searching for women support groups and this sound amazing. I’m not sure how tog at started and how it works but it seems so uplifting. I’ve never hiked but the idea of being out in the nature with other women learning about hiking and sharing f experiences sound like exactly what I need in my life. Can you please provide guidance on how to get started. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.