How to Properly Create an Event on Houston Women’s Hiking Facebook Page
Anyone Houston Women's Hiking Member is welcome to host an event on our private Facebook Page. However, we ask if you are leading a hike to go through our hike leader training. We do these once a month via Zoom, check out the private Facebook page to register for the next one.
If you want to do a specific trail or kind of event that hasn’t already been created, first post in General Discussion that you would like to plan a hike, paddle, social event etc. If the post gets some traction and interest, it's time to create an event.
But WAIT! We have some very specific info that must be included in all events. Read on to learn.
How to Properly Post an Event
We have specific rules for how events should be posted within the group. These rules help members identify events, find events, and see what is right for them. We ask that all events follow this structure.
What to Include In The Event Title
General Area Of Houston
Houston is a city of transplants and many of our members are not familiar with the names of areas of Houston. This is why we ask every event host to include a general area of where the event is located. This also makes it easier to scroll through events and see the ones closest to you.
We prefer to break up the areas like so: Central, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, North, South, East or West. The map below shows you a better idea of what we mean.

Kind of Event
Include if it’s a hike, paddle, camping trip or social event right in the title.
Here include the name of the location such as the name of the park or lake you’re visiting.
We welcome ALL kinds of hikes and events. Please include the difficulty level in the title. This can be as simple as Meditative, Advanced, Beginner Friendly or things like the length of hike in miles or time.
Who Is Welcome
By default all events are women only and all women in the group are welcome. We encourage members to host other kinds of events like all family, co-ed, kid friendly, pet friendly, etc. Please include this in the title.
Houston Women's Hiking Events from Outside Our Group
Sometimes our event hosts host events in conjunction with a State Park or municipality. These events might also be shared outside of our group. If you share an event in our group that is also shared elsewhere, please note this by writing "EXT" for external event IN THE TITLE. This lets our members know people outside of our group may be attending.
As some parks require registration outside of Houston Women's Hiking for these events, a link may be shared. This is the one exception to this rule. If the event costs money or it is found that the event directly benefits the event host, the event will be removed and the host put on probation.
Sample Event Titles
- Northwest - Paddle - Kickerillo Preserve - Easy
- Central - Meditative Hike - Memorial Park - All Family
- South - Beach Hike and Trash Pickup - Galveston State Park - Women & Kids
- West - Weekend Primitive Campout - Stephen F. Austin State Park - Pets
- North - Easy Hike 1.5 mi - Huntsville State Park - Coed - EXT
What to Include In The Event Description
Include Specific Directions, Parking Instructions and Meeting Place
Please include specific directions, address of meeting place (do not rely on Facebook to put the correct address in the map) and exact meeting place. Be as specific and descriptive as possible. Feel free to post maps to the event discussion, the more information the better.
Give Details on the Hike, Paddle, or Other Event
If you expect to get wet on a hike, or expect harder terrain, or if there are fees to enter the park, please include details like these in the event description. Always remind attendees to dress for the weather and hydrate!
If it is NOT Women Only Add Additional Info About Who Will Be There
If you are creating an all family, co-ed, kid friendly, pet friendly etc. event please include it in the description as well as in the title. This could include a kid friendly hike at a place that is stroller friendly. If you are including dogs, give more info here. If you are hosting this event with a park or other organization and people outside our group will be attending please include this information.
Include Your Phone Number
If an attendee is lost, running late, or unsure if you are the person they are supposed to meet, include your phone number so they can call or text you. This is INCREDIBLY important and has to do with safety for all our members.
Include a Picture of Yourself
If your profile pic is not you, please post a picture of yourself in the event so people know who they are looking for. It's also helpful to wear a Houston Women's Hiking hat or t-shirt so you are easily identified. We also have car magnets to help identify leaders.
Leading Up to Your Event & During Your Event
Canceling Events (NOT DELETING) & Watching the Weather
It’s Houston, weather happens. If you need to cancel an event due to weather or some other circumstance, please make sure to update the event and cancel it. DO NOT DELETE THE EVENT. This is for the safety and security of members who may already be in route to your event.
If you cannot figure out how to officially cancel an event through Facebook, just change your event title to start with "CANCELED".
Do A Headcount Before You Hit the Trail
Do a headcount for all the people who responded as going to your event. If it’s getting close to hike time and you’re missing people, please check up on anyone marked as “Going”. People can hit traffic or get lost. We want to be sure they are not left in the parking lot after taking the time to travel to the hiking spot.
Know Your Hike
We prefer hike leaders know their trails ahead of time so they can prepare other hikers. If you have never hiked an area before, please let people know in the event description. Use apps like RunKeeper, Apple Fitness or All Trails to map yourself during the hike. Even an experienced hiker can get turned around on a familiar trail.
Be Kind to Others & Aware of Your Members
Be aware that we have members at all fitness levels and some have limitations. Please be conscientious of all of your people. Do a head count in and a head count out. During the hike/paddle check with those in your group make sure everyone is doing o.k. along the route.
A Few Additional Event Host Rules
- Event hosts and hike leaders should never receive payment or collect money for leading an event or hike.
- Event hosts should never collect personal information from attendees to market a business to them later.
- Group rules still apply to events and hosting events. This means no self promotion.
- An event host should never collect information from attendees to form a private mailing or contact list for promotion purposes.
Posting Events Hosted With Other Parks
Sometimes our hike leaders lead hikes with the parks themselves. If you would like to open these hikes up to our group, you are welcome to post them but please include that they are co-hosted or posted outside of our group in the title and description.
When in Doubt, Ask An Admin
If you ever have a question about how to host a certain kind of event, or if it allowed, ask an admin.
If you see an event and it raises a red flag for you, please contact an admin.
[…] and even salt water paddling all within driving distance. At Houston Women's Hiking, we not just a hiking group; we camp, hike, and paddle all around Houston (and the world too). Houston has a lot to offer when […]